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Hope in the Face of Cancer
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Release Date: December 2002
Page Count: 224
Size: 5 1/4 x 8
Binding: Perfectbound
ISBN: 978-0-7369-0990-7
Case Lot Quantity: 48

Hope in the Face of Cancer

A Survival Guide for the Journey You Did Not Choose

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Amy Givler, M.D. a cancer survivor, shares her experience and the stories of others with the voice of encouragement, faith, and strength she so desperately needed at the point of her diagnosis. With medical knowledge and insight into the path to come, Dr. Givler is able to offer answers and hope as she discusses:

  • looking at cancer through the lens of hope
  • seeking, evaluating, and making decisions for treatment
  • drawing closer to God along the journey
  • facing family and friends

Dr. Givler shares more than professional wisdom; she extends her friendship. And as a fellow survivor she provides a comforting presence during an experience that too often is mired in uncertainty, fear, and loneliness.

Meet the author

Amy Givler

Amy Givler, M.D., a graduate of Georgetown University School of Medicine, is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Family Medicine and Comprehensive Care at Louisiana State University Medical Center. She writes a regular medical column for HomeLife magazine. She and her husband, Don, also a family physician, have three children and live in Monroe, Louisiana.

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Editorial Reviews

"Dr. Givler was pregnant with her third child when she received her diagnosis of Hodgkin's lymphoma. A physician herself, she knew much technical information about the disease and its treatability, yet she had no preparation for the powerful emotions that came with the cancer. With compassion, she writes to prepare, equip, and encourage others who find themselves on the cancer treatment journey and becomes a wise caring companion along the way."

"Givler is both a doctor and a cancer survivor and thus has great insight to share with people who have cancer or know someone who does. Hope in the Face of Cancer helps newly diagnosed cancer patients and their families cope with this dreaded disease.

Givler doesn't deal with specific cancer types—she simply gives information that applies to any cancer patient, using terms anyone can understand. She also gives hope and stresses that cancer patients have choices on how they should live each day.

Recommend this excellent book to new cancer patients and their families for encouragement, information, and insight."
CBA Marketplace

"This helpful book will comfort many Christians who have been diagnosed with the dreaded disease."
Publishers Weekly

"In her new book, Hope in the Face of Cancer: A Survival Guide for the Journey You Did Not Choose, Amy Givler, M.D. acts as both a guide and a fellow traveler for those embarking on an unwanted journey. As a medical doctor who has survived cancer, she provides wise advice for people who have been diagnosed with cancer. Family members and caregivers will also find it helpful to their understanding of living with a diagnosis of cancer."

"Hope in the Face of Cancer is an informative instructional guide written especially and specifically for men and women confronting the diagnosis of cancer, as well as for those that love and care for them. From being diagnosed to adjusting emotionally; to thinking through the range of possible options logically and promptly; to ways to give the unexpected news to family and friends; to searching for spiritual meaning, and so much more, Hope in the Face of Cancer is filled from cover to cover with practical advice, heartfelt empathy, and emotional support. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, then give Dr. Amy Givler's Hope in the Face of Cancer a very careful reading."
Wisconsin Bookwatch

"Who hasn't been affected by cancer? If we have not had a cancer victim within our own family, we know of a family who has. In 1993, while practicing medicine in Louisiana, Dr. Amy Givler, a board-certified family physician, was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma. At the time, Givler a mother of two and wife of a physician, was pregnant with the couple's third child. She knew the clinical implications and 'doctorease' for her disease, but it hit her emotionally, the same way it hits anyone else. Within 24 hours she was at the library looking for a book that would be an 'emotional anchor' and a way to make sense of what was happening. It did not exist, and as a result, Givler wrote her own book.

There are 13 chapters with a guide to medical resources and notes at the end. The resource list covers places to find advice and to evaluate where to seek treatments. Givler suggests ways to relate to medical personnel and caregivers, as well as to family and friends. She gives permission to seek answers to the spiritual questions for deeper meaning, making this a seeker-friendly book. Her research from the perspective of patient, doctor, and woman of God is written without sentimentality, but with intelligence, wit, compassion and much wisdom. Each chapter concludes with an 'If you have cancer' questions check list. This book should be on the shelves of pastors and lay people alike, and is a useful book for answering tough questions. When someone tells you, 'I have cancer,' you now have a practical resource to go along with the 'I'll pray for you.' If you have no words, Dr. Amy Givler has those words written down for you for wise counsel and a friend for the journey."


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