


Impossible? No!

Posted on Nov 03, 2014   Topic : Weekly Devotionals

Lord, I praise You for being God of the impossible.

Nothing is impossible with God.” An angel spoke these words to a virgin teenager after saying she would conceive and give birth to God’s Son. Then he added that the teen’s elderly and barren relative, Elizabeth, was pregnant and would deliver a child in three months (Luke 1:35-37 NLT).

The angel’s words came true. God does what people say cannot be done. Performing the impossible is nothing for Him.

What seemingly impossible situation are you facing? You see no way around it, no way out, and no way through. But the Holy Spirit whispers, “Don’t give up. Your desire will come to pass, for nothing is impossible with God.” His quiet voice says, “Don’t lose hope. This situation seems impossible, but doing the impossible is nothing for God.”

Whatever impossibility you are facing, remember the teenager Mary. Recall her cousin Elizabeth. Remember the odds stacked against them. And know that those odds mean nothing in light of the angel’s declaration.

Take Action: Name the impossibility you face. Is it a too-heavy workload? A family or financial crisis? An impending deadline? Praise God that nothing is impossible for Him, and refuse to be discouraged.

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