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A Hope for Hannah
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Release Date: June 2010
Print Length: 272
ISBN: 978-0-7369-3969-0
Series: 2

A Hope for Hannah

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Growing more popular with each new novel (over 100,000 copies in combined sales), author Jerry Eicher continues the Hannah series with this intriguing glimpse into a young Amish couple’s early marriage.

Hannah Byler is now married. She and Jake live in a small Amish community near Montana’s Cabinet Mountains, and the rough log cabin is far from everything Hannah holds dear. Anxious about her new role as wife and soon-to-be mother, Hannah understands she must learn to control her anxious heart if her marriage is to survive.

Just as the young couple settles into their new routine, Jake loses his timber job and answers the call to ministry. With winter pressing in and money scarce, Jake and Hannah discover hardships can either drive them apart or draw them closer. Determined to find hope despite fearful conditions, they struggle to survive in this harsh land and bear their responsibilities with grace.

Meet the author

Jerry S. Eicher

Jerry S. Eicher

Jerry Eicher’s Amish fiction has sold more than 800,000 copies. After a traditional Amish childhood, Jerry taught for two terms in Amish and Mennonite schools in Ohio and Illinois. Since then he’s been involved in church renewal, preaching, and teaching Bible studies. Jerry lives with his wife, Tina, in Virginia.

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A Word from the Author

A Hope for Hannah, opens as the skies seem to be falling in on Hannah and Jake’s dream life in the shadow of the Cabinet mountains. Danger lurks outside and inside the cabin, as Jake faces what few Christians ever experience, the sudden call of an Amish minister. Mr. Brunson, their English neighbor and good friend, has his own secrets, yet finds the grace to lend a helping hand to Jake and Hannah.”
Jerry Eicher, author of A Hope for Hannah

Editorial Reviews

“This is the best book I have read in quite some time. The plot is fantastic. There is a strong Christian message in this book. The characters are well developed and fascinating. I loved it.”

“There is a lot to relate to in A Hope for Hannah…This is a great book that I did not want to end. Add this to your reading list!”

“A good read for the growing young heart.”

“Hannah and Jake’s story would be a great epic for young women looking for Christian fiction about married life and the Amish faith.”


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